On April 30, 2024, PortfolioWise will be shutting down.

On that date, you will no longer have access to PortfolioWise.com or any of the tools provided.

If you have any account related information that you need, we recommend downloading, exporting, or saving any documentation today. After April 30, 2024 it will no longer be available.

Accelerate & Improve Your ETF Research and Investment Results with PortfolioWise™

PortfolioWise is an ETF-focused platform that accelerates your research and model validation, so that you can focus on what matters most: your clients and growing your business.

With PortfolioWise, you can:

Create and Propose Portfolios in Minutes

With PortfolioWise, you’ll streamline your portfolio and proposal process.

Our Portfolio tools feature easy-to-understand reports and comparisons explained in plain-english for your clients.
Get reports that are client-ready, and easy-to-share, download, and print.

All reports are customizable and white-labeled with your firm’s logo, information, and disclaimer.

It’s a perfect tool for compliance best practices, too!

Visualize Market Trends and Shifts Using Rankings, Ratings, and More!

PortfolioWise’s built-in dashboard and digital monitoring allows you to see market trends and shifts as they develop using our macro views, proprietary rankings on groups and industries, and our rating system.

Stay alerted! Built-in alerts signal you to potential trouble spots and opportunities for your clients’ portfolios. Scan them in seconds and enrich the overall client experience with award-winning research, colorful reports, and powerful insights.


Validate Your Investment Decisions & Stay on the Right Side of Compliance

To act in your clients’ best interest, you need to be able to validate your investment decisions and justify why you made them. Our rating system is fund-family neutral, so it carries no bias towards one specific issuer and provides compliance-friendly reporting for your firm.

We provide coverage on more than 85 different ETF issuers, including some of the top names like Vanguard, BlackRock, Investco, SPDR, and WisdomTree.

PortfolioWise helps remove bias and emotional decision-making from the investment process, so you can validate and accelerate your research.

Compare/Contrast, but Never Compromise

Advisors need a research process that is both rigorous and time-efficient.

With thousands of ETFs on the market, and growing each year, selecting the right ones can be a time consuming process. Our screening tools help you pare down the ETF marketplace and search by asset class, groupings, region, rank, characteristics, issuers, dividend, risk factors, performance, and much more. 

Once you have a few candidates in mind, PortfolioWise’s ETF Comparison tool lets you quickly compare ETFs based on ratings, expense ratio, performance, liquidity and other criteria important to you and your clients.

With PortfolioWise, you’ll minimize research time, and validate ideas with third-party research, while remaining compliant. There is never a need to compromise.

ETF Comparison

Easy for You to Implement.

Easy for Clients to Understand.

When you’re ready to review and propose portfolios with your clients, presentation matters. PortfolioWise’s color-coded visuals and digital reporting makes it easy for clients to understand your decision-making process and validate your recommendations. Portfolio reports are simple to print and download, fully compliant, and ready for white-label customization. 

The seamless workflow of screening and comparing ETFs, building portfolios, and monitoring trends will fit right into your process.

All Powered by Award-Winning Research on Over 1,700 ETFs (& 4,000 Stocks!)

PortfolioWise rates over 1,700 of the most popular ETFs in the market, covering U.S. equity ETFs, Fixed Income and Global markets. 

The rating system is powered by Chaikin Analytics’ award-winning research. Our market-tested methodology has been rating US equities for more than ten years. The stock rating combines 20 factors into a simple, reliable indication of a stock’s potential performance.

Our Equity ETF rating combines this proprietary stock rating model with technical analysis factors to provide a unique view of an ETF’s potential. Our rating system is fund-family neutral, eliminating any chance of bias, so you can act in your clients’ best interest.

In 2019, Chaikin Analytics won WealthManagement.com’s “Best Industry Research Provider” award.

Accelerate Your ETF Research Today!

PortfolioWise Helps You: 

  • Streamline ETF Research with Custom-Built Tools Exclusively for the Advisor
  • Access A Forward-Looking Quantitative ETF Rating System – Past Performance is History
  • Validate Investment Decisions & Stay Compliant with Independent Research
  • Visualize Market Trends & Shifts using Macro-Monitoring, Rankings, and More!
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